The unbalanced meal, polluted environment and the existence of free radicals that readily await to attack mankind has made the human bodies weak and vulnerable to all sorts of strange diseases.

As we progress, these diseases around us are becoming more immune and difficult to combat.
Common degenerative diseases especially cancer, diabetes high blood, cholesterol as well as Prostate for men and breast and womb cancer for women etc., are on the top priority yet medical researchers are still unable to contain these killer diseases with fatality rate and new sufferers on the rise each year.

“ You are what you eat ” is the perfect connotation since most diseases relates to wrong eating habits and lifestyle. Now many has realised the importance of returning to nature, consuming only organic food, distancing themselves from these toxics. But eating only organic food cannot guarantee one from getting the dreaded diseases. Regular consumption of herbal concoction may help in preventing such diseases or may reduce or stop the diseases from ravaging the affected person.

The Goodness of Mahkota Dewa

What is Mahkota Dewa ?
Actually what is Mahkota Dew fruit and why it so special to people in Asia especially Indonesia and Malaysia with a combine population of more than 300 million which contain many untapped medicinal heritage . Surely these people cannot go wrong when it is consumed since 2500 years ago when the old ancient Majapahit Kingdom now known as Indonesia was still under Hinduism influence.Mahkota Dewa or Crown Angel is actually a purplish dark red kind of fruit on the outer skin and with a fibrous flesh. The botany name is Phaleria Papuana or Phaleria Macrocarpa depending where it was grown. For the Phaleria Papuana , the former originates from Papua Irian Jaya and for the latter comes from Java island . How the fruit originates from 2 different areas are still under the scientist research and what puzzles them when it has many remarkable properties in curing a variety of diseases.

Amazingly it contain several active substances namely Alkoloid , Saponin , Flavonoids as well as Polyphenols. In medical science these substances contain ingredients that can help cure numerous diseases for mankind.
For Alkoloids it is known to detoxify and neutralise toxins in the body ; Saponin is beneficial for source of anti-bacterial , anti–virus , boost up the immune system, increase vitality , reduces blood sugar levels as well as reduces blood clotting .
In the case of Flavonoids it is said to be a promoter for blood circulation throughout the body and prevent blockages in blood vessels , reduce cholesterol and accumulation of fat on blood vessel walls, reduce levels of coronary heart disease risk, contain anti inflammatory and serve as an anti –oxidant. As for Polyphenols it act as an anti –histamine (allergy ).

So what about cancer related diseases ? Based on historical facts on some Javanese people for the last 1000 years ago , it was said that Mahkota Dewa , the wonder fruit can cure liver disease, heart disease, hypertension, rheumatism and gout as well as for sufferers of Cancer , Diabetics , Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure , Liver Cirrhosis, Hepatitis and other related degenerative diseases.
So in the case of sufferers of Prostate cancer when consume regularly may help to reduce the tenderness of the prostate glands as well as reducing the swelling around the area to the extent that sufferers can urinate and ejeculation as normal . It makes sense since Mahkota Dewa fruit contain Flavonoids and Alkoloids that helps to reduce swelling and free flow of blood circulation .

Even if the prostate cancer does not help due to the advance stage and prolong sickness, the Apag Herbal Tea on the hand when consume regularly will help patients reduce highblood pressure, reduce cholesterol and act as an anti oxidant. Mahkota Dewa as you have already read only contain ingredients from the fruit itself and does not contain any toxins or aflotoxins. However to rely entirely on Mahkota Dewa’s goodness to effectively work on sufferers that have mixed diseases is not enough, we have to mix and formulate Mahkota Dewa dry ingredients along with other 2 other plant herbs in order to enhance the product as well as boost up the anti oxidant and anti cancer substance. That was why we name it as Apag Herbal Tea since when mixed with hot water the colour and taste is exactly like Chinese Tea (brownish colour ).

If the prostate cancer is already at advance stage with prolong sickness, the Apag Herbal Tea on the other hand when consume regularly will help sufferers reduce highblood pressure, reduce cholesterol and also act as an anti oxidant. Sufferers of Prostate glands usually also suffer a combination of high blood, cholesterol and diabetes and with the mixing of 2 other herbs it will certainly help sufferers to recover these other cancer and degenerative diseases. By consuming Apag Herbal Tea , sufferers of Prostate glands as well as sufferers of degenerative diseases have nothing to lose when taking these herbal drink after all they still have to drink tea or coffee but instead of taking the ordinary commercial tea it is better to take the this herbal drink that can help you with your health problems.

The other 2 natural ingredients beside the the Phaleria are:
Percentage of Composition in Apag Herbal Tea
= Dry extract fruit and leaves of Phaleria Papuana 70 %
= Dry extract green tea leaves of Camellia Sinensis L 25 %
= Dry extract stems of Scurrula Cetropurpurea 5 %

 What is Camellia Sinensis L ?
Camellia Sinensis L is a kind of Green Tea Leaves that contain active components of anti oxidant and anti carcinogen the function of which is to protect and repair damage cells and DNA caused by free radical compounds related to cancer and the heart diseases.

What is Scurrula Cetropurpurea?
According to scientist Scurrula Cetropurpurea (locally known as a parasite tea – because it grow on the bark or trunk of another tree ) is a highly effective plant herb is known among the natives to be effective in curing cancer . Green Tea , fruit tea Mahkota Dewa and parasite tea when blended together make a great formulations containing all three compounds that contains polyphenol compounds known to contain Epicatechin (EC), Catechin Epigalo (EGC), Error epicatechin (ECG), Error Epigalokatekin (EGCC) Flavonoids, Acid Error and Chlorogenic.

Anti Multagenic vitamin is also known to contain an anti-tumor ingredients , anti-bacterial compund in order to burn the body’s excess cholesterol and the causes of degenerative diseases.