The unbalanced meal, polluted environment and the existence of free radicals that readily await to attack mankind has made the human bodies weak and vulnerable to all sorts of strange diseases.

As we progress, these diseases around us are becoming more immune and difficult to combat.
Common degenerative diseases especially cancer, diabetes high blood, cholesterol as well as Prostate for men and breast and womb cancer for women etc., are on the top priority yet medical researchers are still unable to contain these killer diseases with fatality rate and new sufferers on the rise each year.

“ You are what you eat ” is the perfect connotation since most diseases relates to wrong eating habits and lifestyle. Now many has realised the importance of returning to nature, consuming only organic food, distancing themselves from these toxics. But eating only organic food cannot guarantee one from getting the dreaded diseases. Regular consumption of herbal concoction may help in preventing such diseases or may reduce or stop the diseases from ravaging the affected person.

How To Prepare & Consume

Directions : ( Same way as preparing Chinese or English Traditional Tea )
a)  Take 1 ½ tablespoon of APAG Herbal Tea.
b)  Put into glass and add hot water.
c)  Allow 5 minutes until water turn tea - brown .
d)  Drink routinely 3 times daily.

Discard residue when the water turns clear.
Then repeat the above steps.
50 + gms make 10 glasses / 3 days consumption.
For some people who are not used to the taste of Chinese Tea , you may mix a 1-2 teaspoon of pure honey to enhance the taste. Do not use sugar since some people are diabetic or allergy to cane sugar.

Caution :
 For some first timer , after consuming the Apag Herbal Tea you will tend to frequent the toilet releasing loose stools similar to diarrhoea. But don’t worry. This is the process of cleaning your body system (DETOXIFICATION).  When this happen this means your body is receptive to the changes made by the tea totally cleansing the toxic and other substances found in your body. You need to constantly keep drinking the tea until the loose stools stop and back to normal. You will then see the difference with your blood level if a sufferer has highblood. You can keep a record of your blood level before and after regularly consuming the Apag Herbal Tea.

Information (true story) :
A 60 year old man customer, suffering high blood and prostate glands swelling making him difficult to urinate and spend a lot of time in the toilet . He found out about our company and ordered a packet of Apag Herbal Tea and as a first timer he consumed regularly.  After a few weeks of consuming it, he suffered serious blood discharge and was immediately warded. When the doctors made a thorough check they found that he had colon polyps. The doctors also found out that his prostate glands had contracted as well as his high blood level had gone down tremendously. The doctors were puzzled and what did he take ? The doctors told him that the colon polyps if not treated early can turn into cancer.  What the man found out later it was the tea that saved his colon into becoming into cancer as well as the contraction of the prostate glands. He now lived a healthy man consuming regularly the Apag Herbal Tea since then.